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Mx Diving Croatia Smart Travel Guide 1.0.1
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First destination diving guide in Europe! Explore the Mediterranean sea world: discover the beauty of Adriatic diving locations with mobiEXPLORE Diving Croatia. Practical and user-friendly, this attractive mobile guide features rich content, photos and loads of useful information: Regions and cities' maps, sights, gastro locations, diving gear, tips and much more. You can even browse detailed lists of caves, shipwrecks, reefs and explore flora and fauna.
The app also includes real-time online booking for low cost flights (provided by, together with the best rates for over 900 Croatian hotels, provided by - one of the world's leading online hotel reservation agencies.
So take a dive among the ancient Roman shipwrecks, explore the underwater sights of fierce naval battles, discover the pristine natural preserves of the Croatian National Parks, caves and reefs and other parts of the Adriatic treasure trove. You can also find the nearest diving center to guide you on this journey of discovery, information on places to stay, things to do and restaurants offering the best of local cuisine. And you should definitely try one of local seafood specialities.
Fully functional free-edition, download it and enjoy Croatian underwater world!
(*Installation note: In order to help you with roaming, most of the app content is offline, so the installation might take a few minutes)