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Mytravelr is a set of tools designed to help on-the-go mobile users maximize their productivity and reduce the stress of travel. Mytravelr is the result of extensive, user-focused research and development. We’ve put together the services we ourselves find most useful as travelers – and we trust you’ll find them useful as well, whether you’re traveling for business or for pleasure.
Mytravelr is easy to download and use. We’re making this innovative application available as a 60-day free beta. Download it now to see how it can help you make better-informed travel decisions. You can also customize the Mytravelr interface with “skins†to suit your personal style.
Every aspect of Mytravelr, from its useful features to its friendly, colorful appearance, was designed with you – the modern mobile user and traveler – in mind. With Mytravelr as your travel companion, your journeys will always be pleasant and successful!
* With Mytravelr’s World Clocks, you’ll find yourself operating more efficiently and with less stress and anxiety.
* You can locate any of nearly 1000 cities on a global map and see whether it is day or night there, as well as obtain exact sunrise and sunset times, using Mytravelr’s Day/Night Map.
* Mytravelr’s Weather Forecasts provide you with 5-day forecasts for 40,000 cities around the globe, as well as detailed current information for any location.
* Tired of trying to keep different currencies and currency conversion rates straight? The Mytravelr Currency Converter takes care of that problem, supporting 180 different currencies.
* The Mytravelr Dialing Codes directory helps you call around the world. No more hunting for area codes – they’re right at your fingertips.