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Screen Shots:
Allows you to locate your position in relation with other GPS points, to see the journey you have traveled.
You can find back your place at harbour after a trip on boat, the starting point of an excursion or locate your car in a huge car park, A place of which you know the location, To see the excursion you made, Speed trap alert or lots of other things...
Tracks and saved points can be exported to GoogleEarth and to GPX standard.
Put your old tracks in the background with a system of tracing,
Put maps in the background (moving map),
And those can be downloaded directly from Internet if you have an access to Internet on your PDA (GoogleMap maps, YahooMap, VirtualEarth and some layers of OpenStreetMap). Display a graph of altitude, speed or signal level.
- Download maps from Internet.
- Address search from Internet.
- Saving type 'history' of the track.
- New type of points (Secondary).
- Internal optimizations for maps rendering.
- Lot of bugs and less.
- Other small things.