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Nyc Cathedral Of St. John The Divine 1.0.0
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Museum Planet presents a comprehensive narrated digital tour of the historic Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine of the Episcopal Diocese in New York City.
The history of the Cathedral is fascinating and the art is spectacular.
Every monument and every stained glass window is shown and explained. The stained glass windows were meant to tell a story and they do. Included is the Fireman's Memorial; the Sports Bay window; The Rose Window (every Cathedral has one); the Armed Forces Bay Window and everything else. You will know who and what people thought important when the Cathedral was being planned and built - and it wasn't what you might think you know.
You can stop and start the tour; jump around in it; stop it to read the often extensive text and enlarge all the photos with a ‘swoosh’ of your fingers.
The tour is better than a large and well-researched book. Museum Planet takes you there: 144 photographs, 28.8 minutes of audio and 17,977 words, plus biographies.
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