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Screen Shots:
PhraseBook turns your phone into your own personal interpreter, which lets you communicate with the locals without any previous language skills.
PhraseBook gives you instant access to more than 2,100 useful phrases, which are clearly structured in topic-related categories. 18 source languages are available for selection.
All situations for holiday or business trips including: Customs, hotels, service, travelling, car repairs, sightseeing, entertainment, eating and drinking, sports and recreation. You can also easily prepare a conversation by putting groups of phrases together. All you have to do is select the phrases from the different categories. Testing mode helps you to check your knowledge.
The following source languages are available for selection:
English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Slovakian, Hungarian, Greek, Turkish, Czech.
All data is provided by the biggest European publishing house Jourist Verlags GmbH specialised on linguistic software products.
Important advantages:
- more than 2,100 useful phrases are structured in topic-related categories;
- up to 18 languages available;
- easily prepare conversations by putting groups of phrases together;
- testing mode to check your knowledge;
- all data is provided by the worldwide known Jourist Verlags GmbH;
- comfortable and very easy to use;
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