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Thaiflight Free 3.5.8
Screen Shots:
The real simplest DOMESTIC flight search application you can get & compare price from major local airlines in Thailand, quickly & easily from your iPhone & iPad.
• SEARCH all domestic flights in Thailand
• COMPARE & find the right flight (Price is airport tax & basic surcharge inclusive)
• SHARE flight itinerary & details with friends by SMS & Email
• MAKE direct reservation to airlines with provided call center numbers (Quick Call)
Featured Airlines:
• Airasia
• Bangkok Airways
• NokAir
• Orient Thai
• Thai Airways
• Thai Lion Air
• Happy Air
• Kan Air
• Date selection is allowed within 7 days in advance for ThaiFlight FREE, while it is not limited in ThaiFlight (full version).
• The results you get from the app are real-time collected from each airlines website directly in every search you make, to get the most updated information. If the results in the official airlines website could not be provided due to its internal problems, then our app may not get completed results and there will be a pop-up reporting notice in the app.
However, if there are significant changes in the searching systems in the airlines websites, we will provide an update ASAP. Please feel free to give us information or notify any bugs you notice from our About page in the app, so that we can get more details to solve the problem for you accordingly.