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Universals Islands Of Adventure Inpark Assistant 1.7.3
Screen Shots:
Wait times and routes
* Wait times: Share attractions wait times with other users and know the wait times of far away attractions.
* Fast information on all attractions, shops, restaurants, restrooms and service points.
* The software leads you wherever you want, your position and the destination are shown on the GPS based map and in text. The program gives you the REAL route, not the beeline route.
* Choose between satellite map and CloudMap overlay map.
Features offline:
- See details about all attractions and other important points
- Overlay map
Features online:
- Wait times – read and submit (strictly anonymous!)
- Satellite map
Please notice:
To be up to date at all time, software and park data are separated. When starting the software, you have to download these data. This download is ABSOLUTELY FREE (not considered the normal rates of your telephone company).
Help us improve InPark. You can report bugs and mistakes and tell us what you like and don’t like. Use the feedback sections in the program and on our website. Please also rate InPark here, in the App Store.