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Urbanhandy Budapest 1.0
Screen Shots:
The best local tips and offers from your host to your smartphone.
NOTICE: Currently available only in Budapest - Hungary.
UrbanHandy makes it super easy to get the best local tips from your Host (hotel, hostel, apartment rental) to your iPhone.
These recommendation lists have all the hottest places & programs like restaurants, bars, museums, attractions, etc. around your location in the given city.
Forget all the old-school stuffs like laminated paper lists, post-its, hand-marked maps. Get everything in one place to your smartphone.
These lists are exclusively available for the given Hosts' guests only. An unlock code is needed to access to the Host's list.
What is unique and special about these lists is that the places in them are carefully selected and customized for you – the traveler. They are localized and personalized according to taste, location or price preference of the guests.
- Carefully selected recommendation lists by your host
- My Room: contains all necessary information about your host (address, phones, survival tips) in one place
- Places Nearby: shows all possible places around your location, not limited to the recommendation list content
How to use UrbanHandy?
Help & FAQ
- Contact your host to get an unlock code via email, phone or in person.
- The code looks like “AAA111”
- You can use the app without an unlock code, but the experience is not the same.
- UrbanHandy needs Internet connection to download recommendation list, but just for browsing the lists you can stay offline.
- UrbanHandy may use your GPS/location information.
- For using navigation and viewing POIs on map Internet connection is needed.
- Keep in mind your roaming charges.
Currently the recommendation lists are available in Budapest, but new hosts and their lists are being uploaded continuously, so for the latest updates and new features connect with UrbanHandy community by following us on
If you have anything to tell us or need further help or support, don't hesitate to send an e-mail:
Our ultimate goal is to provide the best local tips to every single traveler of the world right at the arrival.