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Washington_dc 1.0
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Washington, DC by DiscoverIt!
Find Anything - Using no cell service, no internet, no maps, no pins, no typing!
TRY IT! You won't be disappointed...
"Washington, DC by DiscoverIt!" was developed with the idea of Navigating the last mile without having to use a Map. Maps can be disorienting, but DiscoverIt points to your destination with an arrow that locks on like a heat seeking missile! Just follow the arrow. Even non-techies can use and enjoy DiscoverIt! Always utilize this app when taking Hikes, Bike Rides or Drives in or around the Washington, DC area.
The app contains hundreds of thousands points of interest in 24 Categories so it works without Internet or cell service. It is extremely fast to search, by distance, through many items using the "next" key. It is also very easy on power so it can be used for hours at a time.
It's like taking along a local who totally knows his way around any area of the City.
More cool stuff - the "Where's That" feature lets you select something you're looking for (like Coffee) and it gives you a list of coffee shops around you. Select one and follow the arrow to the coffee shop! The arrow locks on and guides you there as the distance display counts down.
You can also point the iPhone/iPad in any direction and use the "What's Over There" feature and it will give you a list of interesting places where you pointed. It's amazing the interesting stuff it comes up with.
Also, Points of Interest like Museums or Parks, etc. are very hard to find if you do not know their names. Just select their particular category and follow the live arrow and distance display, and you can easily navigate to any of them. Works like a champ!
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