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When Bruce Met Cyn Visitation North Carolina 3
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You first met Bruce Kelly in Lori Foster's novel THE SECRET LIFE OF BRYAN. Now, Bruce comes into his own--and a whole lot of trouble--when he falls for a woman who is nothing like he is, but everything he wants...
Bruce Kelly has spent most of his life helping people who are down on their luck, guiding them toward making better lives. Compassionate and kind, Bruce understands that everyone makes mistakes, even if he's never actually done anything but color inside the lines. Nobody's perfect, but Bruce is about to meet a woman who's perfect for him. He's determined to show her that he can be trusted. And if that means proving it by being the absolute gentleman at all times, then so be it. No matter how many cold showers it takes.
Cyn Potter is a survivor, with a sassy, gallows wit and a fierce independent streak to show for it. She's used to men only wanting one thing, and this girl is no longer taking applications from big bad wolves in sheep's clothing, thank you very much, drive through please and keep on going. But Bruce Kelly is actually different. Totally hands off. Sometimes she can see a hint of fire when he looks at her, but the guy treats her with the respect she's always wanted. Maybe too much respect, because truthfully? The guy is fine. Worth taking down a few defenses for...and a few other things. And maybe somebody needs to help Bruce start over and discover just how perfect being imperfect can be.