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Worldtravel Iran 1.2
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A travel app unlike any guidebook for only 85 Yen. Time to travel around the world. Explore the World’s unexplored through a series of picture slideshows called, “No Travel? No Life!”.
The slideshows contain over 100 pictures with subtitles explaining the countries’ notable sceneries, culture and history.
Once through with the slideshow, you should be familiar with the country’s scenery and the facts.
Recommended to people:
* Who want to travel, but rarely have the time.
* Who have interests in the cultures and scenery of foreign countries.
* Who are stressed and want to escape from the real world.
* Who want to show their kids a new place.
* Who plan to travel to the country for work or vacation.
No Travel? No Life!
A bundled app to send people around the world.
Known for its beautiful streets and buildings, Estafan was once the “World’s Half”.
Iran boasts many historic places such as Persepolis, the capital during the rule of アケメネス of the Persian empire; it is also the birthplace of the world’s oldest religion known as Zoroaster. Iran can fulfill the curiosity of many travelers.
Its citizen highly respect education and strictly believes in discipline. In addition, Islamic culture improves the city’s public security and nurtures amiable, compassionate people.
Food and goods flow through the markets in abundance. The country is also rich in oil.
Unjustly portrayed in media, the Western side of Iran boasts greatness once you actually visit the area.
Once known as Persia, Iran’s history dates back to 3000 years ago.
Persia refers to Parsa or man on horseback. However the Iranians renamed the country to Iran, which means the Land of the Aryans.
Scorching the dry the earth with its intense heat, the sun suddenly turns to a slight sprinkle of rain.
All living things each have their own unique features. Similarly, the Iranians who inherited a unique culture and history from the Ancient Aryans travelled through the Silk Road, associated with other cultures and ultimately developed the culture of Iran.
Welcome to a journey to Iran.
Compatible with IPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S
iPod touch (4th generation)
Requires iOS 4.0 or later
iOS 5.0 recommended
Contents by Global Applications
Developed by Sentiment Inc.