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Belleshell New V1.05with New Features 1.05
Screen Shots:
Application launcher with 6 homescreens. You can place shortcuts, folders and widgets on the home screens.And belle topbar is also included.widgets include digital and analogue clock, calendar, contact and profile widget. You can arrange widgets at will.
1.Custom wallpapers can be used. They are shown after the built-in wallpapers and must be 640x640 pixels in size. To see your custom wallpapers in Belle Shell, they must be placed in one of the following folders:
C-data/Images/Backgrounds (C:Images/Wallpapers in Symbian built-in File manager) E:Images/Backgrounds (E:ImagesWallpapers in Symbian built-in File manager) F:Images/Backgrounds (F:ImagesWallpapers in Symbian built-in File manager).
2.All widgets, the home screens and the gird menu items are rewritten in C++ to use less memory. This translates to about 5-10 MB less RAM used. Unfortunately, to get the RAM usage really low (no more than 10 MB), all the QML code must be rewritten in C++, which will take more time.
3.When the program is started for the first time (or for the first time after the upgrade), all application icons are cached for better load times later. So, the first start up is really long (it may take up to 5 minutes if there are a lot of applications). However, after that the start-up time should be a little bit faster than before.
4.The default (and minimal) number of home screens is 2 instead of3.
5. The gird menu is changed from 3x4 icons to 4x5 icons to be more modern and to show more apps per screen.
6. There is new type of wallpapers: panoramic wallpapers. When you select the "Change wallpaper" command, you will see "Panoramic" as the last option. The panoramic wallpapers should be with size 1240x640 pixels (narrower may also work but not that good). There are 5 built-in panoramic wallpapers and you can add your own in the following folders: C-data/Images/Backgrounds/Widescreen (C:ImagesWallpapersWidescreen in Symbian built-in File manager) E:Images/Backgrounds/Widescreen (E:ImagesWallpapersWidescreen in Symbian built-in File manager) F:Images/Backgrounds/Widescreen (F:Images WallpapersWidescreen in Symbian built-in File manager) Please note that the built- in Symbian file manager shows these folders a little bit different as shown above.
7. The hardware keys (the menu key and the end key) can be captured by Belle Shell. By default in a new Belle Shell installation they are not captured. To turn them on, go to the homescreen menu -> settings and turn on the option "Capture hardware keys"..
8.If the hardware keys are captured the long press of the menu key by default shows the default Symbian task manager. If you prefer another task manager, you must set it in the home screen menu -> settings. Tap the button bellow the "Task manager:" label and you will see a list of all installed programs. Select the custom task manager and it will be shown when the menu key is long pressed. Please note that most custom task managers also try to capture the menu key. To avoid problems, it is best to change the settings of the task manager not to capture the menu key and leave that to Belle Shell. Otherwise the behavior is unpredicted.
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QT installer:
QT mobility:
Dwnld n njoy........if u lik dis,pls ADD 2FVRTS......n GIMME CMNTS......mj