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Ehandysoft Thread Sms Pro V2.01 2.01
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ThreadSMS Lite is a chat-style(threaded) texting (SMS) tools on Symbian S60. You can read and write SMS in a cool user interface like Msn ,Yahoo, ICO Messager...It gives users a handy follow up screen to track the sent and received sms messages to and from one particular contact. Features: ● Send, receive, reply, forward, delete messages, dial back the sender... ● New SMS preview window with portrait. ● Smoothly kinetic scroll effect. ● SMS content auto-expand. ● Show smiley(emoticons) as cute images. ● Dark gradient skin. ● Light white gradient skin. ● Optimize the operations in S60 5th. What's New Perfectly support Symbian^3 devices: N8,E7,C7,C6.. Support slide transition effect UI, give you more feeling of iPhone; Support Bulk SMS, MMS... Display the sending status, you can cancel it before it is sent; New skin mode, you can select any notifier skin or message skin; Fixed some bugs, more stable;