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Gdesk 0.34 S60v3 Signed 0.34
Screen Shots:
Change it extension to zip then extract all the fille with plugin signed.
GDesk is a customizable and extendable desktop system for Symbian (UIQ 3, S60 3rd and 5th editions). Icons can be placed on the desktop representing applications, page links and plug-ins; these can then be launched by tapping them. Plug-ins can be added at any time and as required; further plug-in functionality will be provided over time.
Old Changelog:
* New certificate - no more out of date installation problems
* S60 5th edition icon fix
* S60 5th edition installation compatibility warning fix
* Fixed the gdesk HTC clock bug that doesn't refresh
* The 'Telephone/Dialer' app is now fixed
* Fullscreen landscape mode fixed
* Selection will be set off from icon after tapping on it (or using hotkey).
via: Imserba Cell Phone Download & Community
* Menu option added to disable new behaviour (Settings->Keep selection).
* Green key is available for hot-key selection again.
* Disabled periodic updates of non-visible plugin icons
* Disabled periodic updates of all plugin icons, if GDesk in background.
* Fixed icon placement bug, when adding/replacing app/other on scrolled page
* App and plugins are certificate-signed
* Keep selection option fix
* S60v3 crash on startup fixed
And what it does is, you can have all apps on desktop and open it with ONE CLICK, it has plugins for freeram, clock... More screens are also possible and you can combine it with handyshell (but why?). Use jbak taskman or powerboot for autorun
* Try new version. I've fixed some issues with autorotation. Hope it helps.