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I Sms Free V1.18 1.18
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i-sms application adds charm and strength to the inbuilt messaging function. *View the inbox in a contact wise-chat like fashion(conversation thread) still keeping the usual order of newest first.. *Stylish i-phone like new-sms notifications; summary at a glance *Quick and much faster operation than menu/messaging *Lock private messages (automatically as they come) *Send Flash sms, Back up/Restore sms, Export whole sms to text *Send Free sms using the i-chat feature and more.. Tips on settings; (settings>system settings>advanced) *new sms notification ; iphone style *Auto unlock(iphone) ;enabled *Message summary type ; in messages (this will keep in messages at top and sent ones to the last) New msg editor ; i-sms Kinetic scrolling ; enabled A few shortcuts; (** In the inbox view,) 1- add/update number to contact 2&8 - scroll by message 3- default number 4- top of list -------- 6- end of list ok/5- open 7- select --------- 9- select all * - new message 0- search by contact---------- #- search by content **(in the message opened view...) 1 - system sms view 3- forward the selected sms ok/5 - quick Reply # - sms content- copy to clipboard, copy to note, phone numbers, links etc On starting the app for first time, register with M15 In version 1.18, skins and backgorund can be customised. To install a new skin, either use the settings option or download a skin from After installing i-sms, simply transfer a skin from pc, it will be installed at once. No hacking.. it is signed full version. Enjoy!