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Mum S.m.s 5.1.2
- A fire-new, powerful, secure and easy-to-use messages managing UI(user interface).
- Protect(Hide) the received messages(SMS/MMS) automatically if user defined.
- Protect(Hide) the sent messages(SMS/MMS) automatically if user defined.
- Protect(Hide) the messages(SMS/MMS) in the draft folder automatically if user defined.
- Supported Hide/Show message of any folder by handy choose in message manager.
- Unlimited amount of user-defined profiles which can be switched at will.
- Supported two type of profiles: black lists (hide all message on list) and white lists (hide all except what are on the list)
- Any telephone no./contact person/prefix of telephone no. are allowed being added in the list of profile.
- Supported user-defined screen saver of message manager.
- Supported user-defined unread notification of automatical protection.
- Supported scanning of any folders to hide/show/apply-profile by handy operation.
- All hidden messages can be read only after right password input.
- All hidden messages are pretected in good order.
- All messages could be synchronized with other devices/network in your usual way.
- Every line within the text of notification will be treated as an individual sentence and MumSMS+ will choose one at random everytime when it needs to notify the user about a new message.
Note: MumSMS+ for S60 5th works on Nokia Series 60 5th edition based smartphones. The program was fully tested on the Nokia 5800 device. It should work on other S60 5th edition devices. Please test the program on your mobile phone prior purchasing.
Note: MumSMS+ for S60 uses only following unrestricted and user-grantable capabilities: 1)ReadUserData 2)WriteUserData. The installation package had been self-signed before the delivering. And in most S60 devices, you need to change the default software installation setting to (All) to allow installation of self-signed applications (Tools -> App. Manager -> Options -> Settings).