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Vhome3.79a Is Released Today 3.79
Screen Shots:
[html]vhome make your mobile home screen awsome.
Enable one or two rows of application shortcuts as well as 6 or 7 shortcuts per row.
News feed display with favicon, which includes TechMeme, TechCrunch, New York Times, CNN, BBC, ESPN, and more.
Calendar and to-do notes which rotate through the different items on the same row.
Google search box.
Weather display, with icons, temperatures, which opens a 4-day forecast when clicked.
Twitter Update your Doing By your mobile to Twitter
vHome is a free app that add features like search,weather,news, smartdial, full screen wallpaper to your home screen.
vHome works with all s60v3 phones, 5700/6220c/N95/E71/E75 etc
v3.78 update:
1.bug fix: wallpaper might display wrong with classic mode on some
2. added many news feeds, enjoy!
3. switched to twitter xAuth(better)
4. if you set left selection key to app other then Start, now key lock
works well
5. removed task manager ( we find a way to use the built-in task
manager on E series phones, so we removed our own)
6. other smaller bug fixes
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