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5ml Viewer 2.1
Screen Shots:
5ml Viewer is a companion tool for 5ml, the premier web-based service for creating rich media content using the latest web technologies.
With 5ml Viewer, you can preview and test your 5ml projects directly on your iOS devices.
- Easy access to your 5ml rich media projects.
- Dual preview mode: In-app or Safari.
- Support for the mRaid 1.0 iOS SDK and Moblic Ad Exchange Rich Media.
- Featured sample projects.
About 5ml:
Create rich media content with the latest web standards from the comfort of your web browser:
- 100% visual editor, featuring free-form canvas, drag and drop, real-time view updates, direct manipulation, multiple page editing, all from the comfort of your browser.
- Select from a wider range of widgets, including, videos, graphics, audio, galleries, 360 views, panoramas, forms, social media, navigation, layout options, and more.
- Take control of amazing HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript features via easy-to-use configuration sets. Slide, pop, flip,zoom, fade, 3D, and more without a single line of code.
- Leverage advanced device features (camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS, etc), as provided by popular ad SDKs in the market.
- Test your mRaid Rich Media Ads without hassle before launching your favorite Ad Network.
Learn more and register at