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All_finder 1.13
Screen Shots:
AllFinder, an application that will quickly and easily locate any
text message, e-mail, contact or calendar event on your handset
and let you edit it. Simply type in the keyword and press the
Search button and the list with the relevant results will appear
on the screen. These search results can be organized and managed
in a usual manner. AllFinder is compatible with all Symbian S60v3
mobile devices.
* Quick search of text/email messages, contacts & calendar events
* Easy installation and easy to use
* Search by keyword or by date
* Customize the settings according to your preferences
* Find the message and forward/delete it
* Find the contact to call or send a message
* Find the calendar event and edit/delete it
¡New Times comes...!
It looks like Symbian Signed have some HOLES and here is one that
opens a new world of possibilities.
From now on everyone should have a Symbian Signed Developert Cert
with his IMEI. People that don't know about we are talking please
start studying or play with other things.
Hope this info becomes usefull as starting point to a new way of
doing things...!!!
1. Uninstall any previous version
2. Unpack
3. *SIGN* SIS file with your device IMEI Signed Developer Cert
4. Now install and enjoy!