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Battery Guard 1.0
Screen Shots:
Key Features:
➤ Identifiable Charging States:
BatteryGuard provides a colour-coded user interface that assists with identifying the state of the app from far away. At a glimpse you can immediately know if your device is charging or fully charged.
➤ Charge Cycle Reminder:
The app provides the ability to schedule an alert to remind you to do a Full Charge Cycle. It is recommended to do a Full Charge Cycle once a month - with BatteryGuard you will never forget again.
➤ Charge Cycle Guide:
The app contains information that can help you to understand charge cycles and the importance of regular cycles.
➤ Full Screen Battery:
You can maximise the battery to fullscreen by simply tapping on the battery image. It can easily be minimised by tapping on the image again.
➤ Active Support
Software X provides active support, directly from within the application including up-to-date news and email support. If you are having trouble with an app or have a suggestion for improving a product you can quickly send your feedback straight to our development team.