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Battery Optimus Hd 1.2
Screen Shots:
Quality ★ Professionalism ★ New Trend
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Are you not satisfied with the battery activity?
Does it always get uncharged in an inappropriate moment?
THEN YOU NEED Battery Optimus HD
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Main Features
Battery Optimus HD ensures a proper diet and makes sure that the device fully passes the charge cycle. These features will enhance the resistance.
In addition, you can view useful information that indicates for how long the battery power is sufficient for various possibilities of using the device.
Easy to understand tips and tricks that optimize the usage of your battery, giving you more time to do the things you really want to do with your iPad.
● Provides performance of full charging cycle
● Automatically controls the charging process
● Shows how long it takes to fully charge the device
● Possesses perfect charge level indicators with an accuracy up to 1%
Shows on how much time is enough the battery power for:
❶ Stand By / Recharge Time
❷ Audio / Video
❸ Internet 3G / Wi-Fi
❹ 2D / 3D Games
❺ Youtube
❻ Take Photos / Record Videos
❼ Use Apps
❽ GPS Navigation
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USE THE Battery Optimus HD AND BE HAPPY!
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