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Bizrate Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
The Bizrate iPad app gives you access to accurate, up to the minute price information on literally millions of products from the best stores on the web. There is no longer any need to wonder if you could find a better price! The clean design and intuitive, easy-to-navigate flow are best in class. You will be able to search, browse and find whatever products you’re looking for. Bizrate: Search, Compare, Conquer.
What do you get??
* Free barcode scanning! Get quick and easy price information when you’re shopping in a store – just point your camera and we’ll take care of the rest.
* Ability to see larger images, just because your phone’s small doesn’t mean you can’t see exactly what the products look like.
* “Grid view” option lets you browse products visually.
* Product refinement options let you filter results by brand or store.
Recent searches are automatically stored for quick retrieval.
* Save your favorite products with one touch, and we’ll keep track of them for you.
* Enter your zip code and get accurate tax and shipping information so you know the REAL price.
* Share products quickly on Email, Facebook or Twitter.