This Version of Blue manager was added on 09-06-2016 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 211 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Blue manager for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Blue manager may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Blue Manager
I myself have tested this with Lumia 800 > Nokia 5800 (5th series) [SENDING
from 5800 > lumia 800 [receiving
And it works Perfect!
Note and tips : You need to turn on bluetooth before you start the app, because if its off and you start the app, it gives an error and the freezes.
After you start the app, give it few seconds (15-20) to load the pictures from the Pictures HUB, it does take a while.
The pictures selection is a bit laggy, so i would suggest you go slow on the scroll, being a beta i think the scrolling lag is not so considered right now, but the compatibility to send and receive to all devices is at a higher priority.
UPDATE (30 08 2012):
BluePhoto 1.0.1:
- Improvements on transfer speed
- Improvements on photo loads on startup
- Added music MP3 transfer from Music Hub
- Minor changes
UPDATE (31 08 2012):
- Improvements on songs loading on startup
- Modify alghoritm to check MP3 file on WP7 device
- Minor changes
- Added ZIP file with version source file solution.
Update : 2.1
-Loads most music, but still buggy on some phones.
Update : 2.6
-Loads all music and pictures, scrolling is very fast and smooth.
Update :2.6.1
- New functionality: contact exchange
- New Picture layout
- Speed improvement
- Changed name from BluePhoto to BlueManager
Introducing BluePhoto Beta , allowing you to send Pictures from the Pictures HUB in JPEG format to different phones.
This project has been start by "navisluni" from over at XDA, and i thought it useful to post it here.
"monotheist" at XDA made lots of changes to the algo to let more songs load quicker !
This application works with a developer unlock and a full unlock device!
Now the situation should be the following:
- PC -> Lumia: Ok
- Lumia -> PC: Ok
- Old Nokia -> Lumia: Ok
- Lumia - Old Nokia: Ok
- Android -> Lumia: Ok
- Lumia -> Android: Ko