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Cameratogo 5 Day Trial
Screen Shots:
CameraToGo -- Camera Mute Timer and Flashlight
5 days free trial
Camera with a timer, mute and shortcuts options.
CameraToGo bring your camera the mute and timer option, Video camera access and onekey camera FlashLight.
Press the Go! button to start normal camera. ( or hotkey G on keyboard)
The timer starts the second you press Go! button.
Photo will be taken automatically after the timer (No need for any more action on camera screen).
If you need mute option only, you can set the timer as manual and take photos manually.
Press the video camera button (hotkey V) to enter video camera.
Press the flashlight button (hotkey L) to start camera flashlight.
Please set all permissions as Allow in Option -- Advanced -- Applications -- CameraToGo.
Please set Video Camera Options -> Video light as OFF, if not , Video camera will be flashlight.
Mute option DOES work on Tour 9630.
Mute option does NOT work on 9530, 8330 or any other xx30 ( CDMA ) device.
For Storm users, it's recommonded that you disable compatibility mode in your system option - Advanced Options - Applications - CameraToGo. And after setting the timer, you need to restart application.
It is recommended to assign your right convenience key to CameraToGo in Option -> screen/keyboard option
Mute camera
Onekey access to Video camera
Onekey access to camera Flashlight
Hotkey (G V L)
Minimum Requirements:
BlackBerry with a camera
Display Dimensions
240x240, 240x260, 240x320, 320x240, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360
Operating System
4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 Non-Touch, 4.7 Touch Screen, Non-Touch, 5.0 Touch Screen