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Car Video Recorder Hd 1.0
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We are happy to present a brand new unique "Car Video Recorder" application for iPhone, iPad
"Car Video Recorder" is unique because the apps menu offers everything iPhone, iPad users could possibly need and its functionality meets the needs of people of all ages!
It can be used by children and adults alike.
We are confident that "Car Video Recorder" will meet your requirements and surprise you with its user-friendly, enhanced interface and new functions.
Car Video Recorder features list:
- Car video recorder (Video recorder function)
- High-precision professional compass
- A map indicating precise location
- Altitude above sea level in meters and feet
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Search by coordinates (latitude and longitude)
- Speed metre in miles and kilometres
- Route tracking function
- Route mileage in miles and kilometres
- Direct iPod music playback function
- A choice of high-quality wallpaper to suit every taste
"Car Video Recorder" works great for car tourism, skiing, snowboarding, cycling, hiking, jogging, swimming, flying, etc.!
"Car Video Recorder" indicates your location. Browse the stats on the distance covered, speed, etc.
"Car Video Recorder" is a brand new cutting-edge solution for iPhone, iPad GPS with over 2 million happy users. Designed and optimized for iPhone, iPad