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Cia 1.0.3
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★ Imagine taking a call – or receiving a missed call – where the number belongs to a person or company you never talked to before. With CIA App installed, your iPhone can reveal this unknown caller’s identity. CIA shows the name, address and other details of the number, right on your screen. All in one easy-to-use number search interface.
CIA gives you:
♥ 100% free phonenumber identification.
♥ Unlimited access to the world’s largest collection of names and numbers – both local and international.
♥ An app loved by users worldwide – “by far the best caller id app – I´ve tried em all” – Lisa Saunders, Memphis.
- So what are you waiting for? Download CIA now!
But that´s not all, with CIA you can also…
✔Take your contacts with you. With ‘Contact Backup’, you can easily move your contacts when you get a new phone. No need for other software, just the CIA app!
✔Get social results. CIA not only offers you regular number/caller ID, but also the caller’s social network profiles including Facebook and LinkedIN.
✔Spam calls. Tired of wasting time on annoying tele-marketers? By marking the number as spam in the app, CIA will alert you when you get an incoming call from this number.
✔ Update contacts in your address book. The ‘Update Contacts’ feature lets you add additional info such as adress info, new numbers etc. In an automated way. In that way you can easily add info to your existing address book.
✔ Find a name. You can type a number into the CIA database to get the name behind it.
✔Still reading? Go ahead and download – and enjoy the app ;-)