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Contact Guide V2.0_ramu 2.00
Screen Shots:
ALON.Software.Contact.Guide.Pro.v2.00 S60.SymbianOS.incl.******-HSpda
ALON Contact Guide PRO for Nokia is professional contact manager which offers the quick contact search, full set of actions with contacts and many other useful features.
All actions with contacts: dialing, sending SMS, MMS or e-mail, opening web-browser, contacts search, adding contacts, editing, support of categories, etc.
Quick contacts search: you may quickly find the required contact even if your contacts database contains thousands of contacts.
Support full-screen photos and thumbnails
Multilingual support and interface
Customize personal settings: you may make your contacts database looks like you want.
Customize detailed contact list: you may select the personal information to be shown.
Sending any contact/categories: you can select any contact or a category to send using SMS, MMS, Bluetooth, IR connection.
Set preferred number: select a number for each contact which will appear at the top of detailed contact list.
An opportunity of creating a new contact in a certain category.
Global search: you may find the contact by any personal information: first and last names, company, job title, phone, note, e-mail, URL, etc. Just type several symbols from any word or number.
Language independent search - the fastest way to find the contact entry.
Main search helps to find the required contact by first/last name or by company - it uses information from the main contact list and it is the analogue of T9 search.
Tabs in the detailed contact list: personal information (which is shown entirely), notes, full-screen photo.
Backup/restore the contacts, also you may compress you contact base to keep it small and get contact base info.
The opportunity of examination and editing notes
Page/line scrolling by Joystick.
Button mapping