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Data Guard 1.2
Screen Shots:
Data Guard is designed to securely lock your screen and prevent unauthorized access. Create unlimited number of secret folders for your photos, videos, contacts, notes and other data.
Choose from Dot Lock, Combination Lock, Multi-Lock, Fingerprint Scanner and more to keep intruders out!
*** SECURITY ***
- 9-Dot Pattern Lock: draw your secret pattern code to prevent unauthorized access
- 4-digit Pass Code: activate your secret code to keep your most sensitive data safe
- Multi-Lock protection emulator: а combination of different locks to trick and scare snoopers away
- Fingerprint scanner emulator: prevents intruders from accessing your private stuff by simulating a fingerprint reader
- Trusty 4-digit Combination Lock: protects your private stuff from compromise attacks
- Decoy Mode: set a "fake password" to hide your real secrets and control what you want others to see
- Instant reporting with intruder's GPS location, photo and time
- Attempted break-ins log
- Number of break-in attempts displayed on the icon
- Failed login attempt with actual incorrect password log
- Create and browse secret folders in the app
- Organize your photos and videos into custom albums
- Take private photos and shoot videos right in the app
- Sync photos and videos using iTunes
- Watch your photos as slideshow with different transition effects
- Import/Export photos and videos from/to Camera Roll
Lock your screen with Data Guard and keep intruders out!