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Ds File 5.4
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**To the attention of DSM 4.3 users: there is a known issue causing login failure when connecting to DSM 4.3, please don't update to DS file v5.4, a fix will be made available as soon as possible.
If you have already updated, we suggest the following workarounds: 1) update your DiskStation to DSM 5.x or 2) temporarily connect via WebDAV: enable in DSM > Control Panel > WebDAV; then connect by appending port 5005/5006 to your IP/DDNS**
**You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and have upgraded to DSM 5.1 to to get the complete set of features**
DS file is ideal to manage files stored on your DiskStation, upload or download between the NAS and the iDevice itself, or do basic editing tasks. And always securely with HTTPS support. Besides file management, DS file is also a useful tool to do anything from browsing pictures, watching videos or checking work documents when you are on the go.
Find all detailed features about the app on our website: > DSM 5.1 > Mobile Apps > Software Specs