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Easy Contacts Favorites Iconboard Hd Basic 1.0
Screen Shots:
Use Favorites and Address Books as one board!
An easy convenient multifunctional iConBoard
Our fabulous iCons make you easy to send a email, and connect web pages and face-time.
★The major functions and features
- Dialing, Sending a text message, Websites Connection, Face
- Time connection, Emailing.
- When you touch an icon long, a new window will appear to be able to see all functions.
- If you touch the icon in short, specific functions you frequently use are executed immediately.
- Top 100 : When you slide a screen to the left, you can check popularity rankings of your favorite.
★Privacy Protection
1) Set up password to user's each icon
2) Support a Self-Web browser (Web pages history is not saved because of using a Self-Web browser inside the application).
- The bottom icon: A (Web)-type, B (People)-type. A layout can be selected of between A type and B type.
- The top icon can be generated up to 25 (=1 pages), and the bottom icon can be used up to 3 (=1 pages).
- Beautiful and simple designs (including 120 icons, 50 built-in backgrounds), The shape of the icon shell can be changed into two, square and circle.
- Icon’s images and background can be changed depending on your taste.