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Elliptic Keyboard 1.2.0
Screen Shots:
Did you have problems reaching certain buttons on your new iPhone keyboard?
This keyboard makes it possible to use iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus one handed while actively typing, for right and left hand use.
Designed specially to be used on large iPhone (4.7 and 5.5 inches) and may be not comfortable on smaller models.
- Right and Left-handed layout.
- Smart word completion and correction suggestions.
- Comfortable to use one-handed.
- Capitalization, fast dot input, with well-known and familiar iOS behavior.
- Gestures support.
- User dictionary support.
- *DOES NOT* require "Full Access"
Following languages are available:
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- To enter special characters, hold your finger on a key to open additional symbols panel.
- Swipe to delete a symbol or input space.
- Long tap on the first suggestion field (where the original input is displayed) will add the word to user dictionary.
To enable keyboard follow to "Settings" > "General" > "Keyboard" > "Keyboards" > "Add New Keyboard", select "Elliptic Keyboard" and add required languages.
Note, that this keyboard doesn't require "Full Access" feature and as long as it's possible to add new features without "Full Access", I'll not enable it. And yes, your can still have your personal dictionary to add words.
Next major release will bring more languages and option to autocorrect the word when entering space.
If you have suggestions or feature requests, please send an e-mail to