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Enumero 1.1.1
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Sometimes you need to count or tally things. This simple app increments or decrements a counter, automatically or manually, while saying the number aloud.
It uses an algorithm to choose different variants of the number sounds, so it's somewhat better sounding than text-to-speech.
It counts forward or backward automatically by any integral increment, and can count up to 999,999,999 if you're willing to wait 31 years or so.
But it gets more interesting than that. Enumero counts in Latin, binary, hex and morse code. Enumero counts in grey code, pick random numbers and can trip off the first 10,000 digits of Pi. Enumero can recite the names of chemical elements. It can play the toy piano, sing a little Solfege and regale you with the very interesting Nerve Events.
No other app can claim these features!
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Compatible with iPad, & iOS4.0.
From the author of SrutiBox, Droneo, Lake Piano, Tondo, Minute and Wind Chimes.