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Expense Manager Full Java
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(First Time For Java Not A File Manager)
Expense Manager is an applicationwhich can be used for managing and keeping track of expenses onyour mobile phone. Expense Manager offers many features to the user including abilities to:
1. Add new expense details underup to 25 categories.
2. Classify entries on the basis of ‘Purpose of transaction’, ‘Mode of payment’ & ‘Currency’.
3. Optional password protection for logging into the application.
4. Modify the category, purpose, mode and currency titles to suit individual requirements.
5. View monthly data in a single page.
6. Generate reports for a user defined range of dates.
7. Generate reports for particular category, purpose, mode, currency only.
8. Export data to the memory cardin ‘csv’ (comma separated values) format so that the expense data can be viewed/edited on any of the popular spreadsheet softwares.*
9. Option to define monthly expense limit. The user will get analert if his total expenses for a month have exceeded the limit.
10. Option to set the ‘New Entry’ screen as the first screen instead.