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Fx Cal 5.1.2
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FxCal accesses a private website requiring user authentication and is useful to Fedex Express pilots only.
FxCal is a site specific browser for the Fedex Express pilot web site. Just like a browser, it can cache information for later display, only optimized for the small screen. FxCal is so easy to use with one hand you will be tempted to ‘trip trade while driving’. Please do not.
The basic FxCal program provides download and local storage of VIPS calendar and trip information, and submittal of drop requests. Password and eGrid can be stored for one touch login. VIPS events can be sent directly to your iPhone Calendar.
An Auto Poll subscription allows viewing of open time, submittal of makeup and trades, and allows the program to refresh open time at preset intervals. A two month subscription is included with initial app purchase.
FxCal provides an integrated trip swap bulletin board for pilots to post, view and reply.
On the iPad, FxCal is a fully functional, next generation bidding solution!
FxCal is not a ‘bot’ that bypasses codes or does automated trip trades.
A tutorial is available at the link below.
Please do not purchase this app if you are NOT a Fedex Express pilot as no refunds will be given.
FxCal is not affiliated with or endorsed by Fedex Express.