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Hotpaw Basic 1.6.2
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Calling all early-personal-computing fans, remember typing Basic programs into your home computer? HotPaw Basic recreates the retro-experience of a text-mode Basic interpreter, and it runs right on your iPhone or iPad.
You can also use HotPaw Basic as a programmable calculator or for displaying simple line graphics. Advanced scientific functions include a built-in FFT.
The HotPaw Basic interpreter supports the minimal Basic language, including:
let if then else endif dim data read restore
for to step next while wend goto gosub return
? print input open close end stop mat
run new list del save load removefile cls rem
int() abs() sgn() rnd()
sqr() exp() log() log10() sin() cos() tan() atn()
len() val() asc() str$() chr$() hex$() mid$()
timer() date$ time$ pi
+ - * / mod ^ = and or xor not
Line numbers are required. Type in the text of your program and type "run" to run them.
You can email the text of your Basic programs and files from your iPhone through the Mail App.
AirPrint (to "lpt1:") is enabled under iOS 4.2 and later.
See: for a more complete description of the Basic language syntax, commands and functions which this Basic interpreter supports.