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Hypops 4.75
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Provides management and basic control of cloud and hypervisor infrastructure. This version of the application supports Citrix XenServer and the Amazon EC2 Cloud and CloudStack platform.
For XenServer
The app will allow the view of the
it provides full access to the VNC console for Guest VMs and for the Host consoles
- providing keyboard access
- Mouse control
- external displays including the use of Airplay
it also provides the ability to
- Power control of VMs.
- Creation/Deletion and revert for VM Snapshots
- Viewing of the performance data over a period upto the last year in graphical form.
- Dashboard of metrics
The application can be used in a automatic update mode (default) where all changes that occur in the hypervisor are immediately reflected in the application, or in a manual refresh mode where the user is able to control when refreshes of the data occur.
For CloudStack
The application provides view of the following within each zone
- VMs,
- Templates
- SecurityGroups
- Hosts
- Volumes
if also provides a overview dashboard of the resources for the entire cloud.
For Amazon EC2
The application provides view of the Images, Instances and SecurityGroups within any of the regions available within the cloud.
Power management is provided at an individual instance level, or for a collection of machines. These machine can be collected together using tags, or just by being in the same current power state. For example this enables the shutdown or termination of many instances with a single operation.