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Lcd Clock Hd 2.0.0
Screen Shots:
LCD Clock HD (for iPad) is a full-featured digital clock & calendar combination display application.
A simple and elegant display is perfect for your living room with a iPad Dock. A beautiful alarm sound is
perfect for your living room, as well. The original alarm sound was created specially for LCD Clock HD
by Japanese composer composer, Ayumi Nishina.
- Three display colors (choose from the setting icon).
- Flick the calendar to display up to five future months. Tap the date display to return to the current month.
- Return to the current month by simply tapping the date display.
- Alarm function (up to four settings).
- Support the device's landscaping mode.
- Option to Highlighted U.S.,Japan, French, British and German holidays on the calendars)
- 12 or 24 hour time mode display (Tap the time display).
- Adjust brightness (choose from the setting icon).
- Option to disable "auto-locking" of the system (from Setting menu)
- Option to display the weeks starting Sunday or Monday(from Setting menu).
- ON/OFF switch for display of “ Seconds “ (from Setting menu)
- Go into the LCD Clock HD settings from the system's "Settings"and change variety of settings there. (Exit from LCD Clock HD by pressing "HOME" button and find "Settings" icon. Scroll down the "Settings" menu to find "LCD Clock HD" icon).
- For continuous use of this application, place your devise on a charging dock station to save battery power.