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Led Display 1.3
Screen Shots:
"LED Display" is a LED banner simulator compatible with the iPhone and the iPod Touch.
Enter your message, set options for the best display and touch the "Display" button !
Very useful to communicate with someone who is far from you, in a noisy place, during a meeting or in class !
Here are some handy and funny usage examples :
- Flirt with this beautiful girl by sending her messages in a cool way
- Ask your friend to bring you beer when he is at the other side of the street
- Send a message to your classmate without the teacher noticing
- If you just don't want to talk
"LED Display" let you define your banner style with these options :
- Background color
- LED type : heart, star, etc.
- LED color
- Speed of scrolling
- Activate/Deactivate loop display (leave your message scrolling over and over again or not)
- Activate/Deactivate the notification when your message has finished scrolling (vibration on the iPhone and buzz on the iPod Touch)
"LED Display" also gives you a great messages manager, simple and intuitive.
You can create your favorite messages, edit them, delete them or simply select them and display them.
Get your best messages ready so that you can display them within 2 seconds !
"LED Display" is a cool application that everyone should have :)
If the application quits itself, that means your device need more memory.
Shut down your device and restart it to fix this issue.