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Lightn Bug 1.1
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If you've ever had a hard time attracting lightning bugs Light'n Bug is here to help!
Some lightning bugs use their flash patterns to attract mates, So you may be able to mimic the flash patterns of the lightning bugs in your local area to bring them in a little closer.
When you press the "Tap Here" button on the main screen you will see a short, bright blast of color, and so will the lightning bugs! You can hold down the button for a longer flash. The idea is to match their patterns as close as possible. With a little practice you should be able to fool the lightning bugs into thinking your just one of the bugs!
Some scientists believe fireflies don’t interpret blue light the same way they see other colors. Light'n Bug includes a "Blue light". Simply press the light bulb icon in the lower left corner to turn it on and off. Not only will this "Blue light" help you find your way without alerting the lightning bugs you should also be able to view them up close without disturbing their flash patterns.
Once you've enjoyed catching and viewing the lightning bugs please be sure to release them un-harmed back into their natural environment. Lightning Bugs are an amazing insects, lets do what we can to protect them for future generations to enjoy!