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Metal Detector 1.1
Screen Shots:
Turns your iPhone into a metal detector, and show off !!!
1) Test whether conduit is present behind the wall
2) Show off in front of your friends / girl friends / boy friends
It is NOT a fake app! It uses magnetometer (i.e. compass sensor) to measure magnetic field in the environment, the present of ferromagnetic metal will affect ambient magnetic field, @Metal Detector detects this tiny change of ambient magnetic field to distinguish whether metal exists
1) Calibration / Zero (Auto and Manual)
2) Sensitivity adjustment (with easy to adjust interface)
3) Vibration or ring alarm when metal is detected (so you don't need to keep stare at the tiny screen when moving around)
4) Show ambient magnetic field magnitude (in micro Tesla)
5) Stunning user interface (Easy to use !)
Method of usage:
1) Run the app
2) Move you phone around a metal object, it should vibrate !
* * If doesn't work, follow these steps: leave your iPhone away from all metal / RF (Radio Frequency) stuff, e.g. computer, exit the app and then shake the phone to calibrate
* * Sometimes, you may also need to fine tune the sensitivity (adjust the sensitivity seek bar)
* * Environment can affect the accuracy, don't blame the app, change your location if possible.
* * If the app still doesn't work, this may implies that magnetic sensor of phone is malfunction. Call customer service of phone manufacturer.
Please kindly rate it if you think the app is good, thanks very much!
*It cannot detect non-ferromagnetic metal (e.g. aluminum, gold, platinum)