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Minuet Browser V1.3.4 1.3.4
Screen Shots:
Minuet is a full-featured, stand-alone HTML browser designed specifically for mobile devices. It provides a superior browsing experience compared to WAP browsers and hosted browsers. With Minuet, you can customize your own Web browsing experience, from personalized font sizes and color schemes to various download options tailored for your networking needs.
Key Advantages:
- [New in V3.1 GZIP Compression - Reduce data traffic by up to 90%.
- [New in V3.1 Enhanced Device Support - Now compatible with more devices.
- Direct Web Site Connections - No middle-man servers, no unwanted subions, bottlenecks and security holes.
- Tabbed Browsing - Switch between pages without reloading.
- Advanced Image Viewing - Ideal for viewing big images on small displays.
Main Features:
- Full support for HTTP/HTTPS and HTML 4.0 - Input forms (username, password, cookies) and frames.
- Java-based Internet Security - Secured server authentication and data protection.
- Dynamic memory management - Auto delete the least recently viewed pages when needed.
- Convenient features - Customizable user agent string, bookmark Lists, reading bar, byte counter.