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Mouse Remote.sisx
Screen Shots:

What’s new in this release:
1. Multi finger gesture in Mouse
We believe that you can enjoy your Multimedia contents on your PC relaxing on the couch, bed or even sitting in another room and controlling your PC. We want you to sit comfortably and enjoy your multimedia rather than surrounded by physical keyboard and mouse. This is a sub app of PC Remote. We happen to have more than 1,000,000+ downloads of PC Remote. This is how Mouse Keyboard Remote makes your life easier:
1. Mouse: your phone will act as mouse. You can move cursor and click, drag and crop, zoom, vertical scroll from your phone.
2. Keyboard: your phone will act as keyboard. A full keyboard support including control, shift, alt, tab, function, home, end and other special keys. You can type from your phone.
3. Volume: you can control PC volume from your phone.
4. Support for Shutdown, Sleep, Hibernate, Turn off monitor, Turn on monitor, Logout operations on your PC.
5. Auto Discover your PC. Works on Domain network, password protected and encrypted data transmission.
6. Remote desktop: Ability to view PC Screen without locking your computer
Works with
Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 7.5
App requires
phone identity
owner identity
photo, music, and video libraries
data services
movement and directional sensor
HD720P (720×1280)
WVGA (480×800)
WXGA (768×1280)