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Nodabt Darts Scoreboard For Symbian S60 3rd Edition Nokia E52 1.1
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If you play darts game 501 than you don't need a paper and a pencil any more. Install this application and keep your scores by NoDaBT with your mobile device. It is easy to use, fast to react. Additional specialities of this application will be very useful while keeping the scores of the players of the game 501 with NoDaBT.
At the splash screen of the app, you can either enter the names of the players or just skip and keep the names as player1 and player2.
After clicking the approve button, the scoreboard page will be shown. At this screen, the prepared player names and scores will be ready for the game 501. If a score gained by a player is entered, than this players score will count down from 501 to 0 according to the typed value.
A score higher than 180 can't be entered because it is the maximum score to get in a single turn.
If the entered score is the last score for the current player which sets the score as zero, than scores of the both players will be set to 501 again and the winner's leg will increase one point automatically.
The leg amount is infinite, the game can be ended at an any desired score.
Also, the rules of the game 501 is accessable from the splash screen.
1) Colors' of players are set to the splash screen and to the scoreboard screen.
2) One undo can be done while updating scoreboard except for the time when a player gained a new leg.
I hope this application will be useful for the addicteds to the darts.
NoDaBT was developed as a scoreboard of the game 501 of darts for your pleasure.