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Offline Map Maker 1.0
Screen Shots:
Are you in need of a map with GPS, even when you do not have Internet access? How can you use your iPhone to find your way even when you are abroad? Would you like your tourist map to be GPS aware?
With Offline Map Maker, you can easily load any map and enable it for GPS positioning. You can grab a screenshot from the iPhone maps app, you can use a map you have found on the Internet, an aerial photo or satellite image, a tourist map on paper, or even take a picture of an information board.
Proceed as follows:
Find the map you want and save it on your phone as a picture (for example, by taking a screenshot). You can also use the applications built-in camera function if there is a paper map or a sign. Use the Camera or Photo button to load the image into the app.
When the picture appears, place the two red crosses over distinct landmarks, one top left and one bottom right, such as road crossings, bridges, rivers, etc.
Press Next and the iPhone built-in map is displayed (at this point Internet is required). Zoom to the right area and place each of the two crosses at the same clear landmarks, press Set for each cross. When ready, press Done and setup is complete. A GPS point will appear if you are within the area of the map. The map can now be zoomed and scrolled to the picture's actual size.
The setting of the map can be adjusted by pressing the Setup button. Align the crosses carefully, and the GPS will be more accurate. Remember that the North of the map must be pointing upwards.
When you download the app a map of lower Manhattan, New York, is preinstalled.