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Qcampro 1.1.6
Screen Shots:
Q-Cam Professional is a remote monitoring application designed primarily for the remote monitoring and control of Mobotix cameras. It makes use of Mobotix MXPEG protocol allowing live audio and video directly from the camera. It also provides a simple “Speak” function which allows 2 way voice communications directly with speaker equipped cameras.
Q-Cam Professional also supports MJPEG cameras, allowing you to monitor many other camera makes and models.
Key Features:
-Professional High Quality IP Camera App suited to all applications including security.
-Live monitoring of video and audio across both 3G and wireless
-Speak to Camera function
-Frame rates as high as 25 frames per second can be achieved depending on the camera and network configuration
-PTZ controls
-Native IOS controls (multitouch zoom, swipe, etc)
-Single, and multi view of cameras, including a 16 camera view.
-Cameras can be assigned to groups for convenience
-No Limit on the number of Cameras or Views that can be monitored
-3 Actions can be configured to open doors, switch lights etc.
-All mobotix camera models are supported, including the T24, Q24, M24 and the S14.
-Playback of recorded video and audio
-Event Search Feature
-Import and Export Settings using ITunes file sharing
-Receive Push Notifications for Camera Events using our Qcam Event Monitoring Service. Details are available on our support website.