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Subnetinsighthd Scan Amp Manage Your Wi Fi Networks 1.1.5
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Your iPhone/iPod/iPad is connecting to various Wi-Fi Networks at your office, home and public spaces. In their networks, there are many devices such as computers, mobile devices, servers, printers and VoIP phones.
"SubnetInsightHD" is an application which scans devices connected to current Wi-Fi network automatically, collects very various information, and support to manage these information systematically for each Wi-Fi network profiles in real-time.
"SubnetInsightHD" provides very powerful feature like:
- Auto-scan: Starting to scan automatically when it gets connected to Wi-Fi networks without any user configuration
- Networks management: Supporting the information for each Wi-Fi network. (SSID is available at iOS 4.1 or later)
- Network information: Managing public IP address and its history, and geological locations.
- Powerful host scan: Finding out all of the hosts in the subnet including hidden host.
- Hosts management: You can easily see the status of hosts in the subnet such as online/offline and IP allocation.
- Name resolving: Resolving host name via NIC Vendor, NetBIOS, Bonjour, MDNS, UPNP and etc.
- Port scanning: Scanning and browsing well-known ports of hosts.
- Host fingerprinting: Deciding the host type between Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OSX, mobile device, network printer and VoIP phone.
- Info exporting: Support to export the results via mail and csv in app
- Real-time updated UI: UI is automatically updated when information are changed.
- Landscape, portrait mode
As above, "SubnetInsightHD" provides various and very powerful features. But because all processes are automated, you can use this app very simply without any complex configuration.