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Swiftload 4.0
Screen Shots:
ONLY supports iOS 5
With SwiftLoad...
...You can keep your precious files accessible. Files like that picture of you with your (girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, partner, etc). But at the same time, you can upload them to Dropbox for safe keeping.
Why SwiftLoad?
Well, why not? SwiftLoad is a simple, feature packed, and beautiful app developed by a 16 year old. SwiftLoad starts with the UNIX concept of simple complexity and transforms it into a very useable app. In SwiftLoad, you will notice similarities to other apps you have seen, making the experience one that is more familiar than not.
The "Hacker" Spirit
No, I am NOT a digital trespasser***, I just think different (get the reference?). To me, writing and maintaining this app is intrinsically interesting. Its a fun journey, and almost everyone I know is in some way involved. An app like SwiftLoad is not about the money, I do it just for the lulz.
Well, what can SwiftLoad do?
It can do basic tasks like:
- Play audio and video
- Display photos
- Edit text
- Open Microsoft Office, iWork, and PDF documents
- Email files
- Export pictures and videos to the Photos app
- Print documents, photos, and text
- Move files
- Copy/paste files
- Other basic file management tasks
- Browse the web
It can do more advanced things like:
- Send files over Bluetooth to another iDevice
- Unzip and/or Create Zip archives
- Upload to Dropbox
- Share files via iTunes or WebDAV server**
- Download files via bookmarklet*
Or more hackerish things like:
- Convert WAV or AIFF audio files to M4A
- FTP Upload
For those who need it, there is an ( i ) button next to the "Back" button in the file viewer. It will give you instructions on using the app.
* Uses a custom URL scheme (Replace http:// with swiftload:// or dl://)
** Check out the help button in the upper right hand corner of the WebDAV screen
*** I do not condone digital trespassing, which may include the following: Online piracy, hacking for personal gain without consent, or anything that would make the internet a bad place for my fellow humans.