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System Amp Monitoring Tools 1.2.6
Screen Shots:
All systems informations you need about your device and advanced monitoring features in one application.
System :
- Device systems informations (name, version, retina, ...)
- Local, language, timezone
- Uptime, last boot
- Realtime disk usage & free space
- Battery level & status (charging, discharging)
- CPU usage, CPU count, load averages
- Memory usage, pages ins/outs (detailed informations)
- All Processes
Network :
- Mobile carrier informations
- Data Used
- Live network speed
- Advanced informations about your network and IP
- Get your public IP (as seen on internet)
- Detailed whois informations
Monitoring :
- Ping any host or ip to check reachability
- Check connection to any TCP port
- Extra connection checks for standards services
21 : Ftp
22 : Ssh
23 : Telnet
25 : Smtp
80 : Http
110 : Pop
143 : Imap
more to come...
Report :
- Generate Email Report with main informations about your device. Available in About Tab.
For questions and functionalities requests :