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Total Commander 2.5
Screen Shots:
A file manager, a program like Windows Explorer to copy, move or delete files. However, Total Commander can do much more than Explorer, e.g. pack and unpack files, access ftp servers, compare files by content, etc!
- Copy, Move whole subdirs
- Inplace rename, create dirs
- Delete (no recycle bin)
- Zip and unzip
- Properties dialog, change attributes
- Built-in text editor
- Search function (also for text)
- Select/unselect groups of files
- Select with [Sel button
- Select with [Sel button
- FTP client
- Registry editor
- LAN access
- Send/Receive via Infrared (OBEX)
- Brief, full and large icons mode
- Single or two file window mode
- Option to hide all files in ROM
- Directory hotlist as in Total Commander
- Directory history through dropdown list
- Tree view
- Configurable button bar
- Simple help function
- Supported languages: English, German, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Swedish.
For MIPS/SH3 Pocket PC users, please download the software here (660 KB).
Windows Vista users:
You need to install the first to be able to install any programs to mobile devices!