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Upcode 4.08.0
Screen Shots:
UpCode includes an optical reader that uses mobile phones/devices to add any electronic information or system to printed products and to electronic information on screens. The barcode (2D data matrix, QR-code, 1D barcode or color code) or other type of tag (picture, OCR) gives mobile phone users multiple access and interaction, for an example but not only to internet content simply by pointing their phone at a code. Complete integration of localization, personalization, objects and other data.
Using the UpCode program:
*Open the program from the menu.
*Make sure that nothing is covering the camera.
*Point the camera at the UpCode code, the program either scans the code automatically or asks you to "click" to take the picture.
*If an empty field is opened instead of the camera type in the number of the code and choose ”go”. (This means that your phone has no camera or the manufacturer has not provided any camera access for the model in question)
*If the mobile asks for connection answer yes or choose an access point.
*When scanning the code you can zoom in on the code by using the arrow keys; up and down
*From the program menu you can adjust also ROI size, contrast and brightness.